1 min read

Executive Summary: What Is ERC-6551? Explaining the New NFT Token Standard

In this article, I explain the new ERC-6551 NFT standard that enables NFTs to hold assets, interact with contracts, and have on-chain identity. I cover use cases like composability and provenance tracking, as well as challenges around adoption and security.

Summary: ERC-6551 is a new NFT standard allowing NFTs to hold assets, interact with contracts, and have on-chain identity, enabling use cases like composability and provenance tracking.

What is ERC-6551:

  • Gives NFTs capabilities of a smart contract wallet
  • NFT can hold assets, interact with contracts, evolve over time

How ERC-6551 works:

  • Uses registry compatible with ERC-721 NFTs
  • Deploys proxy contract as token-bound account for each NFT

Use cases:

  • Composability: NFT bundles assets
  • Identity: Interact independently with dApps
  • Provenance: Transaction history beyond ownership
  • Dependency: Owns assets that enhance functionality

Challenges and limitations:

  • Lack of support from major NFT projects
  • Increased attack surface for hackers
  • Added complexity for users


  • Could revolutionize NFTs by making them more dynamic
  • But adoption and compatibility issues remain

Full article:

What Is ERC-6551? Explaining the New NFT Token Standard | CoinMarketCap
Discover how ERC-6551 is changing the game for NFTs. With smart contract capabilities, NFTs can now hold other assets, interact with smart contracts, and have their own on-chain identity.