Executive summary: Next Steps for Ethereum After the Merge
Ethereum's roadmap is an arduous road to completion. In this article, I dig through the technical mumbo jumbo to explain as much as possible what's still to come.

What you will learn:
- The Ethereum roadmap and its steps in everyday English.
Executive summary:
- The Merge switched Ethereum to PoS but there's more to come.
- The Surge will introduce sharding to Ethereum.
- The Scourge will solve MEV issues.
- The Verge will take care of all the excess data the blockchain generates.
- The Purge will make Ethereum stateless.
- The Splurge is a "best of the rest."
Full article:
Next Steps for Ethereum After the Merge | CoinMarketCap
What are the next steps for Ethereum after the merge? CoinMarketCap Alexandria takes a look at the Ethereum upgrade roadmap.